Acupuncture is one treatment technique within the scope of practice of a Licensed Acupuncturist. It involves the placement of very delicate, hair-thin needles in strategically selected areas. Acupuncture works on the internal energetic dynamics of the body, activating the body’s own innate healing response. The placement of needles communicates to the body to guide resources in a particular direction, boosting what is deficient, or removing what is excess. Restoring balance to the internal dynamics is essential to experiencing better health.
An acupuncture treatment can sometimes include cupping or gua sha. Both are manual therapy techniques that originate from East Asian culture. Cupping involves the application of cups to the body, where suction is created via heat from fire or a manual pump. Cupping is most often utilized for muscle tension in the neck and back, but also has applications for allergies, asthma, and other respiratory ailments. Gua sha is a technique that involves the application of controlled pressure via scraping the skin with a flat-edged tool, and is often used to address acute muscle tension. Both cupping and gua sha produce redness at the surface of the skin as stagnant, unhealthy elements are moved out of an area, restoring smooth blood flow and healthy function.
Moxibustion, also simply called, moxa, is the process of burning dried mugwort (a common plant used in both Western & Eastern medicine traditions) on, or near, the skin at specific acupoints. Moxa imparts warmth and stimulates circulation, making it particularly useful for pain relief; skin issues; certain digestive, genitourinary, or reproductive complaints; and boosting immunity. In our clinic, you’re likely to experience Japanese moxibustion, known as Okyu or “thread” moxa.
herbs and nutrition
Herbal medicine and nutritional therapy are within our scopes of practice, and often a cornerstone of an effective treatment plan. We stock a select few herbal formulas and supplements at the clinic, and customize others through an online dispensary. You should also feel encouraged to discuss dietary concerns with your practitioner. Understanding food through a holistic lens (not just its biochemical breakdown) is empowering, and relieves a lot of stress around striving to eat well.
Vanessa Shumate, LMT, provides customized massages blending styles of Swedish (long strokes with light to firm pressure), deep tissue (heavier technique to release deep, focal tension), and myofascial release (gentle releases over broader areas). She is also trained in cupping and gua sha.
commonly treated conditions
This is a non-exhaustive list. If you have any questions about your health concerns, please reach out!
Irregular menstrual cycles
Painful periods
Premenstrual syndrome & PMDD
Yeast infections & BV
Menopausal support
mental & emotional health
Stress relief
Addiction & recovery support
immune health
Autoimmune conditions
Chronic infections
Cancer support
Dermatological issues
Digestive Health
Abdominal discomfort
Acid reflux/Heartburn
SIBO & other gut infections
Multiple Sclerosis
Bell’s Palsy
Seizure disorders
pain relief
Acute and chronic pain
Recovery from injuries & surgery
Neck and back pain
Arthritic conditions
prenatal & postpartum care
Fertility support
All pregnancy-related complaints
Prep for smooth labor & delivery
Postpartum recovery & lactation support
Digestive support
Immune support
Mood support
Hormonal support